What Makes Us Different?

Produced through advanced proprietary Microaerophilic fermentation process
Produced from normal cold-pressed technique
High in fatty, lauric acid and naturally occurring
bioactivities, Bio-lipopeptide
One of the few known natural sources of lauric acid and saturated fats
Contains Bio-lipopeptide: remarkable molecule with therapeutic effect
No Bio-lipopeptide
Contains high level of lauric acid
Contains low level of lauric acid
Packed with higher antioxidant and goodness of organic acid
Cultured Coconut Extract (CCE)
Produced through advanced proprietary Microaerophilic fermentation process
High in fatty, lauric acid and naturally occurring
bioactivities, Bio-lipopeptide
Contains Bio-lipopeptide: remarkable molecule with therapeutic effect
Contains high level of lauric acid
Packed with higher antioxidant and goodness of organic acid
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Produced from normal cold-pressed technique
One of the few known natural sources of lauric acid and saturated fats
No Bio-lipopeptide
Contains low level of lauric acid
Neutrax Original’s 5As

Manage diabetes, kills candida fungus, and curbs infections

Active Lipid
Reduces bad cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease, and boosts metabolism

Prevent Alzheimer’s, slows aging, and promotes cell regeneration

Active Immunity
Manage asthma, severe eczema, and speeds up recovery process

Reduce and manage gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and fibromyalgia
Neutrax Original’s 5As

Manage diabetes, kills candida fungus, and curbs infections

Active Lipid
Reduces bad cholesterol, reduces risk of heart disease, and boosts metabolism

Prevent Alzheimer’s, slows aging, and romotes cell regeneration

Active Immunity
Manage asthma, severe eczema, and speeds up recovery process

Reduce and manage gout, arthritis, rheumatism, and fibromyalgia
How It Works?

Neutrax cleanses your systen by eliminating toxin and pathogens. Healing crisis happens when the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Detox symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, vomiting or frequent bowel movement.

Once cleansed, Bio-Lipopeptide works by scanning the body for nutritional deficiencies or non-optimal cells, restoring your body to the way that it is meant to be.

From here on, Neutrax balances your body condition to ensure that your body functions healthily to its optimum level.
Neutrax Therapy Oil’s 5As

Active Protect
Protects skin against pollutions and environmental stress

Reverses the aging process via induced cell regeneration

Active Control
Regulates and corrects sebum production – controls acne, eczema, pigmented and irritated skin

Active Healing
Promotes healing from burns and scars, cell renewal and restoration

Active Nutrition
Deeply nourishes and moisturizes dermis for healthy and glowing skin
Neutrax Therapy Oil’s 5As

Active Protect
Protects skin against pollutions and environmental stress

Reverses the aging process via induced cell regeneration

Active Control
Regulates and corrects sebum production – controls acne, eczema, pigmented and irritated skin

Active Healing
Promotes healing from burns and scars, cell renewal and restoration

Active Nutrition
Deeply nourishes and moisturizes dermis for healthy and glowing skin